Scientific research at Canadian universities inspires big innovation ideas. Early-stage entrepreneurs need dedicated, high-quality wet lab space and equipment to mature their intellectual property (IP) and attract external investment. But this space is scare and often too expensive. And that’s where SpinUp comes in.
SpinUp provides early-stage founders access to wet lab co-working space, equipment, and infrastructure at the University of Toronto Mississauga at highly subsidized rates. Here, startups can focus their funds on developing their IP, strengthening their business case, and promoting better health through their innovation. Here, founders can tap the research strengths of a world top-twenty university and the commercial savvy of a world top-five university entrepreneurship network.
Since 2017, the University of Toronto has supported more IP startups that any North American university outside of MIT. These companies change what’s possible in Canada and around the world, including for a range of urgent life science fields in Mississauga and the Greater Toronto Area. From biotechnology to digital health to precision medicine: it happens here at U of T.