Business After 5

December 7th, 2021
Location: Virtual, Niagara

Join us for our online Business After 5 series!

The Featured Member for December is Wellspring Niagara

Grab your favourite drink, some snacks, and meet us for a virtual BA5 . Showcase your business to our other attendees in our show-and-tell style breakout rooms, chat with other GNCC members, get updates on members, events, advocacy and more.

• Admission is FREE. Please register via Eventbrite

• Please ensure you have a microphone and webcam so that you can participate!

• Join us for general and guided conversation plus messages and updates

• Interactive show and tell with our hosts and other members!


4:50: Please enter the waiting room.

5:00: All attendees enter the main room, welcome by Mishka Balsom, GNCC CEO

5:05: Welcome from sponsor Meridian Credit Union

5:10: Breakout Room 1. This breakout is facilitated and randomly assigned. Please be prepared to show off your products and tell your fellow attendees about your services and promotions.

5:30: Main Stage: Product/Service demonstration. This is a fun way to see what members have to offer and get some tips and tricks.*

5:35: Breakout Room 2. This breakout is facilitated and randomly assigned. Please be prepared to show off your products and tell your fellow attendees about your services and promotions.

5:50: Prizes! Everyone in attendance will be entered into the draw for fabulous prizes.**

6:00: Optional breakout rooms will open. You have the opportunity to join the GNCC team to learn more about how to get the most out of your membership, ask an attendee to join you in a breakout to have a longer conversation, or stay in the main room for open dialogue.

7:00: Optional Breakout rooms close.

* If you would like to have your business featured, please indicate in the registration process or email

** if you would like to donate a prize to showcase your business, please indicate during the registration process or email

Business Cards

In lieu of being able to exchange business cards, those who consent, contact info will be sent out in a follow-up email to all attendees to connect after the event.