- Feb 12, 2020

A.I. is Coming to Work. Are You Ready?

March 10th, 2020
Location: Buffalo Niagara Partnership, Buffalo, NY

Artificial Intelligence and People
Preparing People for the Human-Machine Partnerships of the Future

Research predicts: By 2030, 70% of all companies will have deployed AI and it could impact as many as 60% of all jobs. Maximizing AI depends on a successful partnership between humans and machines. As organizations introduce AI and other forms of technology, it’s critical to have a clear understanding of how it will impact people and how to prepare them.

At this event learn:

  • The impact AI is expected to have on the workplace
  • Employees’ attitudes toward AI and its use in specific applications
  • The skills needed for people to work most effectively alongside AI
  • Three imperatives to prepare people when undergoing any digital transformation

Event Information
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Buffalo Niagara Partnership Offices
257 W. Genesee Street | Buffalo, NY 14202

Complimentary parking and continental breakfast

Free for Partnership members and guests of Dale Carnegie
$100 for non-members

Who should attend: Mid to Senior Leaders, Functional Heads, HR and Learning & Development Professionals

Even if you’re not deploying AI now, developing these insights into how to encourage employees to become advocates can benefit any major change initiative on your horizon.

Follow Up Event This Fall: Agility – the key for any organization facing the rapidly advancing AI landscape